

I'm glad I spent the week with Mom, Jayme, Maria, Jerry, and Nicole. But I am glad to be home with Shannon. It is nice to sleep in my warm, semi-uncomfortable bed.

Today is the first day of pre-season football and we kicked it off (ha) with brat-burgers and homemade macaronni and cheese. On to more football and more coke.


Anonymous said...

happy 5 years!!! I can not believe it!!!
Glad you are home safe!
YOur little namesake is the cutiest little girl!
Love to you and Shannon
Cousin Diana

Irene said...

I really loved spending the week with you nicole. It was so nice to laugh with you. I miss you bubbala. Maybe when you have your hockey and school and work schedule all set you can let me know when I can come up. Love you