
And So It Begins

We started to re-do Jayme's kitchen today. Her ugly blue kitchen.
Hey, and keep your eye out for the adventures of Piggy Switch. She eats electricity.

They have redone the baby's room (see below) the living room is basically done and the dining room looks good. But they havne't got to the blue kitchen yet. So we will. We didn't get much done. A lot of prep work. We cleaned the floor, prepared the walls, washed some cabinets, and removed the sink and put up the wood for the new counter.

I was going to make curtains today, but both of Jayme & Jerry's cars broke and had to be fixed. So while Mom went back to work, I drove around Wichita with Jay and Jerry. The battery died in one and the thermostat in the other. Now they are both fine and Jayme and Jerry are in the hospital for the night. Tomorrow morning we will find out if it's gonna be a c-section or not.

This is Jay and Jerry on the way there and the room Jayme will be in.

Here is a picture of the baby's room. Isn't the furniture nice?

1 comment:

Irene said...

by by blue kitchen with the yellow chipped sink and the piggy wall switch. lots of work, lots of work but Jayme will be so surprised it will be worth it. Thank goodness for Nicole and Maria or this would not be done at all. I love my girls. I agree, little baby Nicole's room looks really good!