
Foot in Desk

One story to tell. I thought of it today while at So Long.

I have the type of desks in my classroom with the pocket in them. The students usually put such things as notes, pencil shavings, and other trash type things inside. In school yesterday, one of the boys who sits right up front put his foot in the desk. That was a new one. While I'm teaching, he says "My foot's stuck." I look his way and assume he will just take it out. But he says it again, not very loudly and I realize, yes indeed it is stuck. So, while I teach on, I pick up his desk and pull it gently. But gently does not release his foot. So I continue talking and yank a little harder. It takes a couple more pulls and then his foot finally comes out! It was funny and at the same time great because I didn't lose the attention of the whole class.

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