
There is a thumb of rule.

Tonight was the Statistics Department Christmas party at Dr. Boyer's house. I, the Stat Club president, picked up the meat and cheese tray before hand. While Shannon baked some Cheddar Bay Biscuits, then Jenette drove him there.

It was a good time. We ate, played a game and just sat around and talked. A nice time.

One thing of note that happened while we were there, I got a call on my phone. But it is better than that. I had just (and I mean just) finished going pee when my pants vibrated. I answered the phone (because that's what I do when it's Jayme). She was all excited (as Jayme usually is) and asked me about a Christmas song. Here's her problem... Sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and then help us out. Oh, and you have to sing it with the echo's. You know, like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (reindeer), Had a very shiny..." and so on.

Okay, sing it.

Did you sing it?

Now, when do you say "like a light bulb"? (I really would like to know, so please leave a comment and share. For Jayme's sake.)


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

I say it after "had a very shiny nose... like a light bulb..." but I had to think about it a lot and it feels like there should be something after really glows... so it could be wrong.

Big Red said...

Yes, it's like a light bulb. Classic!!

Michelle said...

i say it after "had a very shiny nose" AND after "you would even say it glows".

Tuba Queen said...

See thats what confused me. I said it twice. after a shiny nose and after it glows. Then I just got REALLY confused. So I called nikki and she was on the toilet. so I laughed. So now I know I wasn't retarted, I was actualy right. OH MY GOSH!!!

Tuba Queen said...