
Now an example I don't remember.

That's right. She didn't remember the example she gave us in class. Brilliant.

So, Theory of Statistics I has been rough all semester. Last time we had an exam, she wanted us to come some night and take it. Psh. No.

So this time, for the final, it has to be really fun. What makes a test really fun? A couple of things.

1. It is the morning of the last day of finals.
2. It is part of a back-to-back finals day.
3. We can have as long as we want to work on it. So just stay (into the next final?) and work on it as long as you need. Bring food even.
4. Take it on Saturday.


Yes, she asked us if we could come in Saturday, after finals were done, to take the test. No. I actually spoke out in class and said no. She asked why, I said I wasn't going to come in on Saturday to take the test. She asked when we could take it. I suggested the time the university has set aside for our class to take it, Friday morning.

Seriouslly, take it on Saturday! She wasn't kidding either. She's just crazy. Liquid Crazy.

1 comment:

Tuba Queen said...

What a freak. Only stupid dumb poeple with lumps on their forehead do dumb things like that. You go Nikki. You is awesome.