
The Fourth Day

Since I have a 5 day weekend (yay) I've gotten to do a lot of fun stuff. I made 6 (finished 5) movement trays for Warhammer. 2 for my Wood Elf Archers and 2 for Shannon's Tomb Kings Archers and 1 for my Vampire Counts Zombies. The last unfinished one is for Shannon's Tomb Kings Spearmen.Then Maria and I drove to Garden City where we watched Michelle's play. I'll post some pics when we get a chance to borrow them from Chris and Jenette. It was fun. I am really proud of her. When I watched my sisters dance (about 8 years ago!) I was so proud I cried. Well, I cried a little for Michelle (& Shannon) Saturday night. :)

Easter was fun. We got to see lots of family. Lots.
  • Gary(Shannon's Dad), Linda, and Shadow
  • Rhonda (Shannon's Mom), Dave, and Michelle
  • Tara (Shannon's Cousin) and Dan
  • Grandma
  • Steve (Shannon's Cousin), Margo, Adam, Morgan, Brooke, and Tate
  • Jeff, Bobbie (Shannon's Cousin), Brendan, Trevor, Macy
  • Wes, Nancy (Shannon's Aunt), Jennifer, Susanah, Emily, Amy, and Jonathan
  • Al, Betty, and Jeremy (Tara's Inlaws)
It was fun. We drove home last night and slept. This morning Shannon and I went to Radina's where he graded tests and I read Junktion. I really like Necromunda.

Well, I checked the grades from the state assessments. The 8th grade average is 64%. The highest grade was a 98.8% and the lowest and 11.6%. That is not as good as I was hoping, but its better than last year (I think).

Now, on to my project that is due tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Irene said...

I'm glad you had such a nice time on Easter and I'm glad Michelles buff project went so well.