
I Hate Stupid

We just got back from a really fun day at the Japanese Festival with Charity and Steve. We got a t-shirt and an awesome sugar monkey! Then we ate dinner at Chipotle and Steve paid, how nice of him!

Then the stupid stuff hit. The spring game was today and we drove home while everyone who went to it drove home. So, at the 4-way stop by Jardine and Dennison, I put my blinker on to go left (to go home!) and the cop said, no. I had to turn right and go all through the traffic on campus, all the way around to get back to my house by going down Sunset. That really pissed me off. Really. They wouldn't even let people go straight. You had to turn right. That is so incredibly stupid. It makes me mad, so very mad. Stupid cop.

To add to the "piss Nicole off"-ness. I broke my sugar monkey's legs off with my purse in the car. That sucks. Luckily, Shannon was smart enough to think to glue it together. Thanks Shanno!


Big Red said...

Ugggggh!! So, you've had to deal with the idiot Manhattan cops, too. Did you get a ticket? I hope not. Those Manhappenin' cops are so stupid sometimes.

The Math Ninja said...

No, no ticket. But they are stupid. My sister lives in University Commons, and everytime I see those stop signs, I think of you.