We got Keagan a jumpy seat that goes over the door frame. So far she just likes to suck on it. (surprise surprise). But we are hoping it helps fill her "stand me up" requirements some times.
My mom said that my Grandma Hoey said that when my dad was a baby, he had one and used to spend hours in it, bouncing off walls. :) That made me smile.

Sometimes I miss my dad a lot. :) It's too bad he never got to meet any of his grandkids.

I'm glad to have good memories of Dad.

That baby is just too cute for words. And you just made me cry...Your Dad loved all of you more than anything! LOVE YOU MISS YOU! Hugs and Kisses to all of you
What a great post Nicole. I love all those pictures. Your dad would have loved his grandaughters and doted over them. I think of him just about every day.
Yup....I cried...Love you Dad!
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