
Concert in the Garden

I am now in Colorado. Yesterday we got here and went to Colorado National Speedway (races). It was fun! We watched a 150 lap race and the winner started in last. Today we woke up late and went to Gary's (father-in-law) friend's house for dinner. It was really really good. Lots of yummy food and dessert!

Thursday was the show in Garden. It was supposed to start at 7:30, but didn't actually start till about 9~9:30. Eee! Anyways, about 60ish people showed up and it was in a barn with some bulldozers and seed spreaders. Rock on. Buck (some dude) played, oh about 12 songs (including one song he played twice because some drunk told him to). She Said (Michelle's band) played about 6, they did pretty good. This is Michelle on her "box."
Then Stuck on Broadway played. They are some of the members of Anything But Joey. It was fun. Jenette had on her ABJ shirt and so Drew (of SOB, formerly ABJ) played a song for her and we all sang along! Yay! Here is a pic of Stuck on Broadway.

Tomorrow will consist of some Boulder, Pearl Street style.

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