So the weather got nice. This weekend it was sunny and 60's. Not rainy and 30's. Much nicer. Shannon, Jenette, Chris, and I took advantage of it and played some disc golf. Shannon got his disc stuck in a tree. Then about 5 holes later, I threw my disc in a tree ( pictured above). Then to make it even better, about 5 holes later, Jenette threw hers in a tree! Chris is the only one who didn't.
In the picture above...my disc is the dark purple-ish-blue-ish blob and the red blob to the left of it is a bottle of Red Blitz soda that Shannon used to get it down with. Fabulous.Today I go to my office after saying "See ya laters" to Shannon. Who do I see? The wasp of yesterday trying to go into my office this time. Revenge is an ugly thing.
I call for Shannon. He comes back and saves me from this beast. Now, I have a reminder on the floor outside my office of what has gone down. Let this wasp also serve as a warning to other wasps. Don't mess with Stat Grads.
The Starbucks is coming! We watch as Gambino's morphs into a national coffeehouse. At this moment, I believe they have achieved their desired results. I mean, the signs are up, so they're done...right?
My buddy Newgen recently purchased the Rune Soldier series for 25$. For all of it. Above I have pictured all of it for not 25$. So...Good Job Newgen! You beat Hastings and the world (b/c Hastings sold it for so cheap and the rest of the world doesn't)!