
Updates from Me

Just to make Kansas weather even more fun. Yesterday it got up to about 100 degrees. Now, it's 66. Yeah, that drop of about 30 degrees, crazy I say. But it is much nicer to bike to class when it's cloudy and 66 instead of super-sunny and 95. :) Speaking of class, I got a 97% on that last test and I only have 5 days left! Woohoo!

Baby Update: Jayme has a chance of being induced next week on Wednesday or Thursday. That means I take of class (but not my test on Friday) and possibly go to CO still. We shall see.

1 comment:

Irene said...

BUT if the baby is born thursday and you go back for your test on Friday, how long would you be in CO if you went on Saturday? You usually spend a long time in CO when you go. That doesn't give you any time at all with your new niece or your sister. Would you be back after CO?