

Yesterday we went to Lawrence to see Jupiter Sunrise. But since Shann already posted about it. I'll have you read his entry to get it. But this is basically what's gone down since then...

The Finals (from Jersey) played about 3 songs.
A power line fell and plastic melted (smelly).
Jupiter Sunrise played acoustically (cute word).
Ate at Perkins with everyone plus Newgen and Andrea.
Came homeand slept till 5:00am.
Woke up and puked.
Missed final because of sicknesses.
Went to doc.
Made up final.
Everyone left for CO, but me.

Grr... Here are some pictures to accompany the history of yesterday.

Marc and Ben playing accoustically.

We had our own room, with about 30 happy people it.Chris is the Jupiter Sunrise drummer in the white Vegan shirt.


Big Red said...

Cool pics. Hope you feel better.


Addison said...

Man, I look thrilled. haha.

What did you get sick from? Surely not from Perkins Grade A quality food?

The Math Ninja said...

I'm guessing it was probably the Perkins Grade P (for puke) quality food, the sausage links perhaps. But all's well now.