
Staples v. Office Depot

Last night, on a quest for more Christmas card supplies, we went to Office Depot. It is right near to work, so we thought it would be an easy trip. While we did find nice paper for our letter and some really cheap magnetic white boards, that was about it. No cardstock in the colors we wanted and we had to settle for envelopes that are too big for our cards.

Then we tried to leave. But it was hard to turn left across traffic, so we went right, but then the intersection we went through didn't allow left turns, which we needed to make. So we had to just go straight and turn later.

But right before getting on the BA Expressway, we saw a Staples in an easy to get to location. So we went. Maybe they would have good cardstock. Well, they did, but it was expensive. So we didn't buy it. But we did look around and the rock compared to Office Depot! We were first impressed by their collection of OXO office supplies. Brillaint! OXO makes great kitchen gadgets, and now they have awesome office gadgets too! Like this sweet scissor that quickly switches to a box cutter. Brilliant!

Then we took a few more steps down the aisle and bam! More brilliant! It was a little dispenser type system. You purchased the size of container you wanted, there were three choices. Then you could fill it up with what you wanted for a set price! They had like 6 varieties of binder clips, 3 types of normal paper clips, paper clips shaped like cats, dogs, suns, guitars, treble clefs, and more, and other types of little office supplies. It was SO cool!

Then even continuing to walk around, they had not only fun stuff, but good prices and the store felt cleaner, too.

So, if you ever have a choice, go to Staples, they are the better of the two.

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