
My Tummy is Grumbly

It just keeps grumbling. ALL the time. When I got to bed, all I can hear is *grumble-grumble*. Shannon said he doesn't notice, but man do I!

Then at work, it goes off some more. I swear, it's loud too! I eat a little and that helps. But it just goes. Eh, I guess it could be worse.


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Man the first trimester is the worst for being hungry. I had to have crackers and snacks with me at all times or my stomach sounded like it was going to eat someone! :) Now I can't finish my meals... poor stomach has no room...

Tuba Queen said...

HA HA!!! I find this rather funny. You weren't ever a very talkative person with people you didn't know but your tummy can't shut up no matter who is around. ShabAM!