
Sewed, Peeled, Mowed

I did what I aimed to do. I sewed, I peeled, and I mowed. I don't have a picture of the lawn for you. But I'll assume you know what fresh cut grass looks like.

Shannon helped me peel border this time. It went SO much faster. Instead of the wall taking me about 4 hours or so, it was done in less than 1 and a half hours. Thanks Shannon. Here is what it looks like so far. The wall to the left is all but 2' done. The wall to the right and behind still aren't touched. But the kitchen looks much bigger and better without the border.

I also sewed. It was fun to special order the fabric, it came in these long boxes, they are about as tall as me, a little shorter.

Here is the purple taffeta in all it's glory. The embroidered one will be the top and the pinched one will be the skirt part. It's very K-State-y. It's the same kind of fabric that I made Shannon's alchemist cloak out of last year. The dress isn't very done yet, but what is done looks pretty cool so far. This has been by guide/inspiration.

And as a bonus, I put together this black night table from Target to be a printer stand for us. We are going to move the computery things to the bedroom so Shannon has space in his office to do artsy things. Right now the whole desk is taken up by a monitor a disabled laptop, 2 external hard drives, our printer, and lots of cords.

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