That's some steak. 66 ounces of it. Yep, Jenette finished off what Shannon and I couldn't. She's a big steak eater.
Really, Shannon, Jenette, and I took home oh, about 18 ounces each! Shannon and I had his left overs tonight for dinner and there is still mine in the fridge. If you want a lot of steak, that tastes pretty good, Montana Mike's isn't a bad deal.
Geeeeeeez. That's a lot of beef.
Emmm... Yum... Makes me think of something I'd like to eat right now...
A nice steak from Shula's... Yummie.
I don't think they have a Montana Mike's in Michigan, but if they did I would eat one or two of those steaks.
My name is on the wall at Shula's for eating a 40 oz steak.
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