


Pretty fun. Lotsa musica.


Jamie Dawn said...

I recently ate at a Thai place, and a couple of their dishes had tofu. It was good, and even my kids liked it.
Holy hail! I see you had a bit of stormy weather. We actually had some hail here on Monday. It was weird weather for CA. AIl day it kept alternating between sunny and stormy. Not what we're used to here.

Allen said...

Was over at Jamie Dawn's blog and saw "The Math Ninja" and figured I HAD to find out what that was all about. I never appreciated math at all growing up and tried to balance avoidance and demonstrating intellect (you'll notice "learning" not being among those goals) through HS and college. It wasn't until grad school in my late 20s that I found a math application I could appreciate, and then I was hooked Now, my professional achievement is all pretty much wholly dependent on developing a proclivity for applying math to business problems! Crazy.

Nice blog, BTW. I haven't figured out the whole "math" aspect, but that's okay since I've learned about a place I missed in geography classes: Snotovia! Ha!

The Math Ninja said...

Yeah, the math part kinda jumps in here and there. Overall, its just a name. I'm a math teacher and I've always liked math so I used the name Math Ninja. Thanks for the post :)