Ichiban is a rather authentic Japanese restaurant. It's not a sit down restaurant. It's more like Panera. Your order and pay. Then get your food later when it's done. It was pretty good.
Friday we went to downtown Denver. We walked along 16th Street Mall (creative names). Michelle found a good card holder to carry around with her. That was good. I found these awesome sudoku pads! I can keep a small book with 126 sudoku in my bag at all times. Yay!
We ate dinner at the game.Shannon and I got hot dogs for dinner. Yes, hot dogs. I know, we never eat them, but these were different.
The one on the left was Tuscan style. It had chili, cheese, and sour cream on it. Maybe something else that I forget. But the one on the right! The great one was Chicago style. It had pickle, tomato, cucumber, mustard, celery salt, and evil peppers (they weren't good, I didn't eat one). It was really hard to eat, but good even being a hot dog. I would probably eat another one of those. Yes, I would definitely eat another one.
You guys look like you were having alot of fun... we had smores this weekend too. YUM!!!
A s'mores coincidence huh? Well, I'll be.
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