
Oh Day.

Making my own lesson plans is getting old! I like working with the other 7th grade teachers and I would also like a curriculum that supplies its own useful texts! Sheesh. If any of my readers are adopting a mathematics curriculum, do not get University of Chicago Mathematics Project. Not only is it old (so you probably won't even consider it) it is bad! Real bad. Oh, in two years we will have a new one. But in two years I may be gone.

I wandered around the mall for almost an hour in search of a white shirt. It had to be cheap, had to fit, and had to be school-appropraite. No luck. Depressing. However I did find groovy green pants! But they were 39.50 and I'm cheap and didn't buy them. Sad.

1 comment:

hockeyfrog said...

Ha! I remember using the Chicago Series!!!

As far as the shirt is concerned.. I'd check at Target. That place is good for relatively inexpensive professionally appropriate clothing...