
Ow, my sperm.

Saturday Shannon goes, "Guess who's gonna spend the night?"
I'm all like ,"Newgen? Jayme? Julia and Mike? Tara & Dan? Margo?"
"Well then who?"
"Nancy and Wes!"

So yes. Nany, Wes, Jennifer, Susan, Emily, Amy, and Jonathan all came over from Kentucky on their way back to Colorado. We had a lot of food for dinner, almost all grilled. Then we played a thought-provoking game of Zobmondo.
Susan, Emily, Amy, Jon
Emily, Jonathan

As the Cable's slept, Shannon, Jenette, Chris, and I played CivIV, LAN style all night long. WOoHoO! ps...we watched a lot of Futurama too.

During play, I found some "Navajos." They didn't last long, the barbarians had to be killed. So I did.

This morning we ate at Panera, then went to bed.


Michelle said...

Wow, that's definitly random. But very exciting for y'all in M-town.

The Math Ninja said...

Manhappenin is a random town, Michelle, a random town.d

Irene said...

I dont really no these people but they all have really blue eyes!

Oh, good job killing the Nacho's or who ever the barbarians are that had to be killed. I'm proud of you!