
Check it.

I haven't killed a straight pin in a long time. I was about due.


What do you call one who makes buttons?

Here's some math for you.

Need for 80 1" buttons + High Price of Buttons = Making Own Buttons

We'll see how this adventure turns out. So far, sore hands and dirty hands.


How fun it is. I am looking forward to the new movie.

That's not Widjith

Class was really easy in the beginning. Now, even though it's still easy, it's only after I've thought about why we do the summation of xf(x).


Your Bruiser Has to be the General

LAN party con 6 computers.

100 oz. slushie almost all drank.

Hillside Cafe con ole rodent.
Now Warhammer. What fun summer is.

I'm lovin' it

Totally diggin' this summer thing filled with laptops, pirate costumes, and LAN games. I am having so much fun! Even with a constant dull ache in the head! Rock on summer. Rock on.


Speed Limit 30mph, not 40

Country Stampede is here. With it's cowboys, and cowboy wanna be's and other various country fans. That brings...cowboys hats and bad driving. Good thing I usually do my life activities between 12pm and 4am in the summer.


Pile of Condensed Thread

Here is what will become four awesome pirate costumes. This isn't all the materials. Some of the green was already made into a coat and we don't have buttons. If you would like to donate any number of 3/4" to 1" buttons feel free to leave a comment and I will get to you as soon as I can!

Oh yeah. "Chickens of a fence. Chickens on a fence. We're a bunch a' chickens and we're sittin' on a fence." Pay no attention to the duck.


They better have a midnight showing.

Last night, and by night I mean around 1:00am, Jenette and I made a trip, and by a trip I mean two trips, to Walmart for some fabric. We purchased about 32 yards of fabric and some 20+ yards of interfacing and 2 patterns. One of them is for corsets, and one of them is for pirate gear (look at #4923). Now we just need about 110 buttons, lotsa cord and ribbon and 48 eyelets. Plus some other costume parts. But it will be fun, it will be good and it will be done by June 6th.


Do you want some pudding?

We spent a good double digit number of minutes watching a cicada molt. Crazy. The coolest thing is just how big he and his body parts are in such a small shell.

Oh yes. Jenette also made friends with a super-baby grasshopper. Kawaii.

She'll crush you like a worm!

Today was a sleep-ful day. I slept from 4:30 am to 9:30 am. Then from 1:00pm to 5:00 pm. Akward, yes. Functional, yes.


Sudoku Combat

Sudoku Combat

Yes, that's right. Sudoku Combat. You race to finish the puzzle against either a friend or an enemy, er..stranger. Very neat idea, saw it on jay is games. You even get cute little avatars to choose from.


Ow, my sperm.

Saturday Shannon goes, "Guess who's gonna spend the night?"
I'm all like ,"Newgen? Jayme? Julia and Mike? Tara & Dan? Margo?"
"Well then who?"
"Nancy and Wes!"

So yes. Nany, Wes, Jennifer, Susan, Emily, Amy, and Jonathan all came over from Kentucky on their way back to Colorado. We had a lot of food for dinner, almost all grilled. Then we played a thought-provoking game of Zobmondo.
Susan, Emily, Amy, Jon
Emily, Jonathan

As the Cable's slept, Shannon, Jenette, Chris, and I played CivIV, LAN style all night long. WOoHoO! ps...we watched a lot of Futurama too.

During play, I found some "Navajos." They didn't last long, the barbarians had to be killed. So I did.

This morning we ate at Panera, then went to bed.


I have sustained Internet, without a cord, on my new laptop! Not sure what Shannon did, but he did it! Yay.


1 point

Well, USA just tied Italy in their 2nd World Cup match. At least we didn't lose. Now we just need to beat Ghana. Hopefully the ref from today's game doesn't do any other games this World Cup.


Honey Nut Che-ri-os!

I've been painting. My "onemodeladay (foreachdayI'mhome)" is going great. I'm up to speed. Recently I've finished this spell singer and 2 dryads (that I don't have pics of yet).

Spell Singer



It has been a while, but I did it again. I threw my disc into the middle of the street again. And to explain how bad I did that day, throwing into the street and finishing the hole, I got the same score I got on half of the other holes. I did really crappy that day. Still fun though.



Unopened and Old

Sunday was Jayme's baby shower. She is having and girl. There was a lot of pink.

Maria has a job at Bartelli's Pizzeria. We ate there Saturday after cleaning. When we got there Jenette said she wanted a cannoli, but she didn't order one. After we got our food. Maria came over and talked to us and said we should have ordered a cannoli because she makes them. You can probably guess what happened.It was really sweet and tasted like it was adding little fat blobs to my body.

As for the shower-prep, Jenette was a big help! She and I cleaned and prepared a lot of food and games. Mom finished her bathroom, Maria worked, Jayme peed a lot.
Mom marbled the counter, painted everything, and changed the faucet. Now it's super cool.

The party was fun. We ate food, played games, and had a chocolate fountain. Yum. Jayme got a lot of stuff that is useful, no doubles and she won't need to buy baby clothes for the first 3 months!

One game we played thanks to Shannon was where we melted candy bars put them in diapers, then people had to guess what candy bar it was. It was pretty funny. The Babe Ruth looked the grossest.
Another good idea from Shannon was to give out 5$ gift cards as prizes instead of stuff that sits around your house or just gets thrown away. Good idea, Shann.


On Friday I went to the Smoky Hill River Festival with Julia and Pickle! Yay. It was nice to see them again. It was pretty neat too. They went back on Saturday, but I went to Wichita with Jenette. Here are some pics from the day.

I ate a good tamale and pork bbq sandwich and a chocolate covered frozen banana. It was not only tasty, but fun! The whole reason Julia and Pickle came down for it was to hear a band they like, Eddie From Ohio. We listened to them and they were pretty good. Shannon bought one of their CD's on Saturday. Here is what they looked like on Friday. They are not from Ohio though. They're from Virginia.

Mission Quilt

I started a quilt for Jayme and Jerry's baby back in the beginning of May. I finished it. I gave it to her yesterday for her baby shower. Yay. I'm glad I finished it in time. It was my first useable sized quilt and my first machine quilting project.



The one-armed dinosaur that lives on the top of the air conditioner has been reported missing. Last seen by Nicole Friday afternoon, as of 9:00 Saturday morning, he is gone.

Any information on his where-abouts would be of great help.



To add to my monkey collection, I've drawn up a moctor for Shannon. He now joins the ranks of Heart Monkey, Sancho, and Star Monkey.


Every Day Class

I've told a few people, and Jayme has told some people, but now I shall tell the world.

Jayme is going to name her baby Nicole, after me!

P.S. My Zombie Dragon is done, see?


Caution: Family at Work

This weekend Shannon and I went to Wichita. Actually we went to Junction with Aaron for a JC Generals game and then to Wichita (sans Aaron).

This weekend's goal: to make my mom a(nother) patio.

This is where we started Saturday, around 5:00.

We had to buy/assemble a cultivator and then we struggled to get it started. About 2 minutes before Engine-Man aka Jerry showed up, we finally we started it. Then we joyfully took turns cultivating the ground.
We started to lay stones, and layed stones for a while. (For those of you GC hockey players, those are the lights from back then still!)
We ran out of stones, so had to stop. But that didn't stop us from moving my mom's new fire pit. Very nice. We made smores and all. :)

Sunday we bought the rest of the stuff and finished the patio. It came out alright. We didn't do a perfect job, but we did it and it is ready to use for Jayme's shower on the 11th! yay!


One a day

My goal this summer, as of Monday May 29, is to paint one model a day. So far, I am okay. I haven't actually finished one each day, but I have finished enough to average one a day. I've added a badge to my side bar section with all the ones I've finished this summer. Fun times. This screamer is pretty cool. I finished him on Monday. The dang picture is blurry though. Grr.