

So, one of my students asked me about a pattern. This one...

t H
0 10
1 12.5
2 17.5
3 25
4 35
5 47.5

So, it isn't linear, its quadratic. I thought the formula should be 2.5t^2+10=H....


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...
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Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

My last comment I calculated wrong so I deleted it, but I don't think your formula can work... the 2nd question would be 4*2.5+10=20. I can't get the first one to work, but after you get t=0 H=10 you can use the pattern 2.5t+H'=H where H'=H at t-1.

The Math Ninja said...

i know my formula doesn't work, but I don't know what one does. That one works. But this is in an 8th grade reform math book...I don't think it should be that complicated.

The Math Ninja said...

I used statistics (duh) and it...

Thanks regression!