
Are you running?

Today ended it. My first semester of real graduate school is done. I didn't sit around in "classes" and pay 1000$ per A. I sat in classes and was paid. As for the outcomes, well, lets just say I am never again taking a class from Dr. Haiyan Wang. I had two classes this semester, STAT 713 Applications of Linear Models with Dr. Song and STAT 770 Statistical Theory I with Dr. Wang.

713 was a pretty good class. Learned stuff did homework for a grade and that I understood. I took the final today at 11:50 and feel I may have gotten an A, at least a B.

770 sucked. I did homework almost every day that isn't part of my grade and I didn't really learn much at all. I had that final today at 9:40 and cried afterwards. That's right, I shed tears over a test. It was the worst test I've ever taken. Not hardest, that award goes to my PLT Mathematics test for getting my teaching license. This test was just bad. There were 9 questions, four of which he had not talked about in class. I think I got two right and possibly a 3rd. But really, even 3 out of nine is only gonna get me a 33%. I just hope I don't have to re-take 770 next fall.

But you know what? It's over. In a few minutes I'm gonna go eat something and open up a Nintendo Wii and play for hours.

P.S. I'm glad I don't have to teach middle school for week still.