So, things calmed down a bit in Etsy land after Christmas. But I'm still selling about 2 items every 3 days, so plenty to do.
But an update on life outside of Etsy!
We spent Christmas in Garden, with a short Wichita Christmas on Christmas Eve morning. Keagan looked adorable in the dresses Mom bought her.

She and Cassidy had a swell time playing with boxes,

with corn, and with other random things,

including each other.

They even had a "sleep over" with Aunt Michelle.

We spent New Years in Wichita.

We watched K-State sadly lose the Pinstripe Bowl on the 30th (that was a crummy games, the refs sucked as did the field) with Andy, then we went to Cirque Du Soleil on New Years Eve. That was pretty neat. Not as good at Trans Siberian, but fun.

We partied with sick babies over New Years and just had a nice time with family.

Keagan has two bottom teeth, one cut before Christmas, the other about 3 days after Christmas. It's hard to see them though, that tongue likes to get in the way.